• Nova Scotia Junior Wind Ensemble

    Committee Chair - Caitlin Quinton

  • Auditions for the 2009-10 Season

    Thursday, June 4th - Sydney
    Friday, June 5th - Coldbrook
    Friday, June 5th - New Glasgow
    Saturday, June 6th - Halifax/Metro

  • 2009-10 Information

    Information for parents & students

    Information for teachers

    NSJWE Application Form

  • Information for Students and Parents

    The Nova Scotia Junior Wind Ensemble consists of students in grades seven through ten who have been selected by audition to form a province-wide "Honour Band". The group meets twice yearly at a host school for an intensive weekend. A typical weekend starts on Friday night and includes rehearsals, sectionals and a social activity. The weekend culminates in a public performance on Sunday afternoon. Band members are generally billeted with a student from the host school for accommodations and meals. Parents of NSJWE musicians are expected to transport musicians to and from the weekends.

    The NSJWE is totally supported by the registration that students pay. A shirt is provided with the registration fee, which is worn with black pants, black socks and black shoes. We try to keep costs as low as possible. The NSJWE Executive all volunteer their time, and students have the option of billeting with host families.

    A new conductor is chosen each year. Past conductors have included Ken Foote, Wesley Ferreira, Maggie Helms, Nathan Beeler, Christine Blanchard, Richard Bennett, Rowan Fitzgerald, Laura Mercer, Ardith Haley and Paul Barrett. The ensemble keeps the same conductor both weekends.

    The name of the guest conductor, along with dates and locations, will be announced in the acceptance letter, coming out in July. The weekends usually take place in November and March each year. Students selected through the audition process must make a commitment to attend both weekends. Students unable to commit to both weekends are expected to turn down the position in order to allow another student from the substitute list to take their place in the ensemble. Once a student has confirmed their position in the NSJWE, there will be no reimbursements.

    To audition for this ensemble, students should prepare 1 or 2 short excerpts from a method book or band music as well as their Concert Bb, Ab, F Major and Bb Chromatic Scales (scales should be from memory, two octaves if possible). Students will also be asked to sight read as short excerpt. Percussionists please prepare one excerpt for snare and one for mallets. Sightreading will be required for both instruments. You will also be asked to play the scales listed above and some snare drum rudiments.

    Auditions will be held June 4th in Sydney, June 5th in Coldbrook and New Glasgow, and June 6th in Halifax/Metro. Auditioning students must bring a $10 audition fee (which is separate from the registration fee) to the audition.

    To receive an audition time students must complete the enclosed application form and attach a cheque or money order (please do not send cash) for $100 ($75 if you have a sweatshirt already). Cheques should be postdated for August 1st, and be cashed mid to late August. Applications and cheques must be received no later than April 30th. Students will be informed by email of their audition times and locations. Students not accepted into the ensemble will have cheques destroyed.

    Questions about the group should be directed to your band teacher or to:
    Caitlin Quinton, Committee Chair

Our Mission

NSBA's mission is to support and promote the development of bands throughout the province of Nova Scotia through communication, coordination, program development, advocacy and lobbying at the provincial level.